Leather messenger bag come in great variety and it can be overwhelming to recognize their quality on the spot. What you will find in this guide, is information on how leather messenger bags are made and how to distinguish high quality bags from low quality ones.
Types Of Leather Used In Messenger Bags
The best quality leather, and also the most expensive one, is Full-Grain leather. This leather is most “natural” leather out of them all since it was not artificially processed, apart from removing the hair. It is extremely expensive because only the top quality leather pieces can be used. Its advantages are greater durability and higher natural strength of fibers.
Full grain leather ages best and is often even more beautiful the older it gets. Messenger bags are not usually made from this type of leather due to its high price. Some manufacturers decide to offer full grain leather on their products but most people are put off by high price tag.
Second best quality leather is Top-Grain. Most commonly used in top products, it is less expensive than full grain(though still costs a lot). This leather has been through sanding process and fine finish coating has been applied. While it will not age well as full grain, worth noting is that is actually more resistant to stains, provided that the finish has not worn off.
Corrected Grain Leather is a type of leather that has an artificial surface grain. Bags that are made from this leather can look about the same as full grain leather ones, though the hides that are used in corrected grain are always of inferior quality. This is where you must be very careful, always ask for a certificate when purchasing full grain leather. Do not think that this type of leather is bad. For example, most laptop messenger bags for men are made entirely from this type of leather.
Yes, it is inferior in quality to either top grain or full grain leather, but what you must know is that majority of leather products today are being made from corrected grain leather.
Now when you know something about leather itself, there are also some types of leathers that are used specifically for messenger bags.
Patent leather is leather coated with plastic, which gives it really smooth feel and very shiny look. Most messenger bags do not opt for this finish, but there are some to be found. Some of leather messenger bags for women are made with this finish.
Italian leather, while not being really a type of leather, is famous for its high quality. This leather is being made from highest quality hides and chemicals used in the process are all highest grade possible. Fashion industry holds leather produced in Florence and Milan in highest regard.
Country of origin has a lot to do with quality of anything, which is especially true with leather messenger bags. While we established that bags which are produced in Milan or Florence are in the highest quality range, leather bags which are produced in Asian countries will usually be of inferior quality. The reason for this is that manufacturers, who opt to make their bags in those countries, look to reduce costs on everything.
Ultimately, with the reduced crafting cost, you get cheaper and lower quality bags. You can have the same two bags, by design, one produced in Italy and one produced in China and you will really notice the difference if you compare them side by side. What i would advise you here is to always check the country of origin when buying a messenger bag, no, when buying any leather product.
When purchasing a leather messenger bag, you need to take into account all of these factors. You should know what you are getting for the money invested. Do not get scammed and get different leather than the one that is advertised, the one you are actually spending your money for. Always ask where the bag came from. In fact, ask as many questions as possible about the bag.
Remember, you are buying a bag that you will use in years, even decades to come. The bag might even become your family heirloom, since leather ages so beautifully. One day, your bag will become a vintage messenger bag if you take good care of it.
Types Of Leather Used In Messenger Bags
The best quality leather, and also the most expensive one, is Full-Grain leather. This leather is most “natural” leather out of them all since it was not artificially processed, apart from removing the hair. It is extremely expensive because only the top quality leather pieces can be used. Its advantages are greater durability and higher natural strength of fibers.
Full grain leather ages best and is often even more beautiful the older it gets. Messenger bags are not usually made from this type of leather due to its high price. Some manufacturers decide to offer full grain leather on their products but most people are put off by high price tag.
Second best quality leather is Top-Grain. Most commonly used in top products, it is less expensive than full grain(though still costs a lot). This leather has been through sanding process and fine finish coating has been applied. While it will not age well as full grain, worth noting is that is actually more resistant to stains, provided that the finish has not worn off.
Corrected Grain Leather is a type of leather that has an artificial surface grain. Bags that are made from this leather can look about the same as full grain leather ones, though the hides that are used in corrected grain are always of inferior quality. This is where you must be very careful, always ask for a certificate when purchasing full grain leather. Do not think that this type of leather is bad. For example, most laptop messenger bags for men are made entirely from this type of leather.
Yes, it is inferior in quality to either top grain or full grain leather, but what you must know is that majority of leather products today are being made from corrected grain leather.
Now when you know something about leather itself, there are also some types of leathers that are used specifically for messenger bags.
Patent leather is leather coated with plastic, which gives it really smooth feel and very shiny look. Most messenger bags do not opt for this finish, but there are some to be found. Some of leather messenger bags for women are made with this finish.
Italian leather, while not being really a type of leather, is famous for its high quality. This leather is being made from highest quality hides and chemicals used in the process are all highest grade possible. Fashion industry holds leather produced in Florence and Milan in highest regard.
Country of origin has a lot to do with quality of anything, which is especially true with leather messenger bags. While we established that bags which are produced in Milan or Florence are in the highest quality range, leather bags which are produced in Asian countries will usually be of inferior quality. The reason for this is that manufacturers, who opt to make their bags in those countries, look to reduce costs on everything.
Ultimately, with the reduced crafting cost, you get cheaper and lower quality bags. You can have the same two bags, by design, one produced in Italy and one produced in China and you will really notice the difference if you compare them side by side. What i would advise you here is to always check the country of origin when buying a messenger bag, no, when buying any leather product.
When purchasing a leather messenger bag, you need to take into account all of these factors. You should know what you are getting for the money invested. Do not get scammed and get different leather than the one that is advertised, the one you are actually spending your money for. Always ask where the bag came from. In fact, ask as many questions as possible about the bag.
Remember, you are buying a bag that you will use in years, even decades to come. The bag might even become your family heirloom, since leather ages so beautifully. One day, your bag will become a vintage messenger bag if you take good care of it.
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